Friday, January 18, 2013


The Complainant did not establish its case and the panelist therefore dismissed the Complaint.

The Registrant (“G.L.P.”/not disclosed) did not respond to the Complaint. The Complainant registered its AMERICAN GIRL trade-mark in 2000, in association with dolls and toys.  The Domain Name was registered on October 18, 2004.  The Registrant was not known to the Complainant at the time this Complaint was submitted. Despite the Panelist’s invitation to submit additional evidence once it learned the identity of the Registrant, it elected not to make any further submissions, to its detriment. Although the Registrant operated a pay-per-click web site, the Complainant did not provide any evidence that the Registrant had no legitimate interest in and to the Domain Name. Instead, the Complainant made assertions that closely followed the criteria listed in the Policy. 

You can read the decision here

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