The Complainant established its case and the Panelist
transferred the domain name to the Complainant.
The Complainant is Alpargatas S.A. The Registrant is Hexonet Services Inc. The Complainant
uses the HAVAIANAS trade-mark in association with its very popular sandals, and
has enjoyed success around the world. The Complainant registered its trade-mark
in Canada in 1999 and then in July of 2012, the Registrant registered the Domain
Name. The Registrant did not respond to the Complaint. The Panelist found that
the Domain Name was registered in bad faith because the Registrant had a
continuous pattern of registering well known and famous trade-marks or
variations thereof as Domain Dames in order to prevent the person with rights
in the trade-mark from registering it themselves.
You can read the decision here.
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