Complainant, Indeed, Inc. and Indeed Canada Corp, own the INDEED family of trademarks
(one was registered as early as 2010) in association with computer services.
The Domain Name was registered on February 15, 2016, and the Registrant did not
respond to the Complaint.
Complainant alleges that the Registrant was sending unsolicited emails to
internet users from the email address
and fraudulently misrepresenting that the Registrant was an employee of Indeed
and requesting that the recipient provide personal and confidential business
information. The web site used to forward users to Complainant’s authorized
site, and later resolved to a sign in page featuring the complainant’s INDEED
marks and prompted users to enter an email address and password.
Panel summarized its findings, as follows: “This is clearly a situation of
typosquatting which the Panel defined as an attempt to benefit from the
typographical error of the internet user based on confusion over the actual
domain name. An alternative form of typosquatting is benefiting from internet
traffic based on common misspellings or mistyping of the names of high traffic
websites. Bad faith was established from actual conduct of the Registrant in
attempting to confuse the public into believing the Registrant or someone using
the domain as an email address was actually sending mail from the Complainants
web domain.”
You can read the decision here.
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