Thursday, July 2, 2015


The Complainant is the Canadian Standards Association, a standards development, testing and licencing organization with a global presence. The Registrant, P. S. Knight Co. Ltd., in an Alberta corporation.

After the Complainant sued the Registrant in Federal Court for copyright infringement alleging that the Registrant publishes and sells guidebooks regarding the Complainant's standards that compete with the Complainant books of standards (the "Federal Court Action"), the Registrant registered this Domain Name along with a number of other .com domain names.

The Registrant denies the allegations in the Federal Court Action and resists this complaint, arguing that the Domain is a non-commercial website created for the legitimate purpose of criticism and advocacy.

Pursuant to Paragraph 13.2 of the Policy, The Panel terminated the proceeding holding that the subject matter of the Complaint is merely one aspect of an ongoing dispute between the parties and that the Federal Court is the better forum to resolve the dispute.

You can read the decision here.

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