Tuesday, November 20, 2012

#204 - blackberry10.ca - TRANSFER GRANTED

The Complainant established its case and the Panelist transferred the domain name blackberry10.ca to the Complainant.

The Panelist stated that BlackBerry is one of the most popular trade-marks in Canada and all owners of smartphones/PDA's are likely intimately familiar with the Blackberry trade-marks. The BLACKBERRY trade-mark registration was submitted by the Complainant in Canada in November 2001. It was not until December 2011 that the Registrant registered his domain name, likely in an effort to monetize the highly anticipated 'Blackberry 10' release in January 2013. The Complainant also received no responses to its two cease and desist letters from the Registrant. In terms of any legitimate interest enjoyed by the Registrant, the Arbitrator held there was none. The Registrant not only failed to debate the Complainant's position, but completely failed to provide any supporting evidence as he did not respond. Hopefully this decision is the start of Blackberry 10's success in Canada.

You can read the decision here

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